get connected.

I feel so unimportant…

So we chose to eat dinner at this newly opened restaurant at cathay cineleisure for dinner, made our order, took a seat. 20 minutes later, a waitress came up to say out orders will take a while, ‘Because we have to serve VIPs first.’ uhh.. Okay, sure maybe im still important. Just not very important. *sigh*

Chicken BBQ. It took a while before the food was served,. A total of 2 waitresses had approached us that the food we ordered would take ten more minutes (after the 20 minute wait) One of them actually asked Chris if he could change his order so it won’t take too long (after 40 minutes). Chris snapped. That must have caught their attention because a few minutes later, they came bringing the korean bbq chicken they had claimed ran out. That’s the power of taking photographs of the place where you’ve just been inconvenienced:p  My order followed a few minutes later too but my mood had vanished, and by then i had been engrossed in writing the first paragraph of this post and i just had to finish it.

Anyway. BBQ Chicken.

2 responses

  1. Lily

    sad… lol

    August 13, 2007 at 10:01 am

  2. Kristina Angeli

    sorry that was me. 🙂

    August 13, 2007 at 10:03 am

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